english czech
Rozlišení: 1200x755 px
Velikost: 504 kB
F-Number: f/11.0
Fotoaparát: NIKON D70
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Windows
Čas expozice: 1/500s
Expoziční program: Normal Program
ISO: 200
EXIF verze: 2.21
Pořízení: 15. 03. 2007, 10:46
Měření expozice: Multi-segment
Blesk: Ne
Ohnisko: 62 mm
Expoziční mód: Auto
Vyvážení bílé: Auto
Ekvivalent kinofilm: 93 mm
Scénický režim: Landscape
Kontrast: Hard
Saturace: Normal
Ostrost: Hard

Arctic brainwash...

NORWAY, 11. 03. 2013, viewed: 32191x, today: 3x

During my long winter 2 month film expedition in the North in 2007, I got also to the lonely east coast of Svalbard islands very far in the North, almost on the 80th latitude.
Such beautiful day in the real polar bear territory (that day we saw 2 of them) just with a few friends, no guide or something like that, totally alone, 120 km from the nearest human settlement, it is something what makes you think diffeently about the "normal" life and values here in the civilisation... Definitely a place I want to return, hopefully next winter...

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JPG, 1200x755 px, 504 kB
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