english czech
Rozlišení: 1200x753 px
Velikost: 573 kB
F-Number: f/11.0
Fotoaparát: NIKON D90
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Windows
Čas expozice: Array
Expoziční program: Normal Program
EXIF verze: 2.21
Pořízení: 26. 09. 2010, 14:03
Měření expozice: Multi-segment
Blesk: Ne
Ohnisko: 50 mm
Expoziční mód: Auto
Vyvážení bílé: Auto
Ekvivalent kinofilm: 75 mm
Scénický režim: Standard
Kontrast: Normal
Saturace: Normal
Ostrost: Normal

For the first time...

NORWAY, 27. 12. 2012, viewed: 74260x, today: 14x

The eyes still can´t believe what they see, such incredible nordic beauty, known only from books and internet , spreads as far as the young eyes can see... And now, after many years of dreaming it is real... Amazing feeling to show good and right things to good and right people... There is no bigger pleasure... Try it!

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JPG, 1200x753 px, 573 kB
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