english czech
Rozlišení: 1200x792 px
Velikost: 604 kB
F-Number: f/6.3
Fotoaparát: NIKON D800
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Windows
Čas expozice: Array
Expoziční program: Normal Program
ISO: 100
EXIF verze: 2.21
Pořízení: 20. 07. 2012, 21:18
Měření expozice: Multi-segment
Blesk: Ano
Ohnisko: 24 mm
Expoziční mód: Auto
Vyvážení bílé: Auto
Ekvivalent kinofilm: 24 mm
Scénický režim: Standard
Kontrast: Normal
Saturace: Normal
Ostrost: Normal

What I call freedom...

CHANGE - THE MOVIE, 20. 02. 2013, viewed: 12643x, today: 3x


After 3 days of long canoeing and hard carrying all the stuff across the wild lonely lanscape, we reached my secret area in the middle of totally untouched Nature... hard to descrie in words, the feelings there... Bouldering was not big aim of this our week trip into the wild (small rest week within our first 7-week journey across scandinavian climbing crags), despite it, Adam could not resist to do a few ascents, just for the joy of the soul... for me the most impresivet part of our project, more than all the hardcore climbing together... but it is maybe just my point of view ;-)

Photo by Bára Vávrová

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