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Rozlišení: 1200x779 px
Velikost: 369 kB
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Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Windows
Čas expozice: Array
Expoziční program: Normal Program
ISO: 500
EXIF verze: 2.21
Pořízení: 03. 10. 2012, 17:59
Měření expozice: Multi-segment
Blesk: Ano
Ohnisko: 24 mm
Expoziční mód: Auto
Vyvážení bílé: Auto
Ekvivalent kinofilm: 24 mm
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Saturace: Normal
Ostrost: Normal

Searging a new crags...

BEHIND THE SCENES, 27. 12. 2012, viewed: 7719x, today: 3x

During our 2 long trips to Norway, we dd notonly climb and film in established crags, but we visited a lot of potencial new climbing areas in different part of the country. This in small but impressive and promising cave is located on one island in the Flatanger region, about 6 km by the boat from the main cave - Hanshelleren. We were taken here by the beautiful people from the farm (soon to by climbing camp site) in Strøm, Berit Hestnes and Olav Strøm and their cool granddaughter Vilde.

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JPG, 1200x779 px, 369 kB
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