english czech
Rozlišení: 1200x734 px
Velikost: 579 kB
F-Number: f/4.0
Fotoaparát: NIKON D800
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Windows
Čas expozice: Array
Expoziční program: Normal Program
ISO: 640
EXIF verze: 2.21
Pořízení: 27. 07. 2012, 18:00
Měření expozice: Multi-segment
Blesk: Ano
Ohnisko: 58 mm
Expoziční mód: Auto
Vyvážení bílé: Auto
Ekvivalent kinofilm: 58 mm
Scénický režim: Standard
Kontrast: Normal
Saturace: Normal
Ostrost: Normal
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Filming the Change 9b+

JAK SE TOČIL FILM, 27. 12. 2012, zobrazeno: 8817x, dnes: 4x

Adam has spent many weeks in his ultimate 9b+ project in Flatanger cave - Hanshelleren. It allowed us to get a lot of different shots from different angles, in order to get the scent of this insanely hard route. Here is filming the hardest part of the route, this photo was taken by Barbora just 3 moves after Adam did the crux of the lower 9b pitch for the first time... My ears hurt, such impossible fight and screaming it was by Adam. But the result is simply great :-)

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JPG, 1200x734 px, 579 kB
Hodnocení5.0 (1)
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